
Showing posts from June, 2019


Someone “Find someone who drives your wish to dream. Someone who teaches the art of how to believe. Someone who makes it comfortable in dealing with failures. Someone laying out new solutions to your old problems. Someone finding new rewards for your old patience. Someone gifting young hopes and steady smiles. Its rare like gold dust. Out of the common. But hanging from the clouds of destiny, ready to rain in your enclosure. I hope you find your someone”. - Ali Asad Zia


Bleakness "When you carry pain for too long, It starts making your heart numb. Unresponsive and insensitive to any further burn on your soul. It starts making both ends meet by the tiny chunks of happiness you're left with. Holding you back from creating magical moments anymore. Never let the heap of agony pile up in you. It's tough to break through this deterioration later". - Ali Asad Zia


It takes a lot " From being a 'Maybe' to becoming a 'Must', the struggle is real. When you have to build resolute ties, you need to sacrifice the most beautiful part of you. You need to surrender your ego and invest all your competence for the budding of passion shared in between. You need to feel and willingly welcome the responsibility to raise not just yours but both the souls. Only then you touch the optimal heights of absolute affection". - Ali Asad Zia